Thursday, March 26, 2009

sugar-eating sugar daddy

i should've taken a video of what happened today.. haha. tianna hella cracks me up. she kept talking to these random niggas on the street saying "aye you wanna PITCH nigga you wanna PITCH!?" and i turned my head to see her seriously yelling out those words until they respond to her. how embarrassing! but its okay we all love her. well here's the catch, that was an inside joke from our friend that used an accent to say "peach" ahahahaha omfg. i still crack up everytime i hear her imitate it.
im going to provide a video blog soon haha. you just need to see it.

hella other random shit.
and then... i get news from her. HAHH that shit is just hilarious. no BRAIN.
oh andd she goes on with something else ahaa that was not me, btw.
tianna: "uhm.. ew i was right. i already figured. well i hoped that thing tasted nasty" hahahaha omg i just about rolled on the floor. shiiit she needs some slappin to be nice. but you just have to know .. HAHA

currently listening to: "Best I Ever Had" by Drake

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