Saturday, March 21, 2009

I want to, but I can't because you let me down.

There was a bit of nostalgia and irony today, even though I went to two parties.

I walked out of Krystal's house at around 8 in the morning, still trying to find my balance since I only got about 5 hours of sleep.
Got home and got ready for church (baptism), and then to a party. Got home again and changed for yet another party which was pretty darn fun if you ask me.
Jomel is the number one goof ball out of the bunch. He was talking about the most random things, like : "You know, in dates the girls don't really eat NO MATTER how hungry they are. They will bat their eyelashes and try to keep up with the conversation by responding, laughing, or smiling. So if you want them to eat, you should say that you're going to the bathroom. And once you leave they will eat like fucking pigs. Then you come back and you act like you're surprised that half of their food is gone, and they just simply giggle." Haha you had to be there, I was dying from watching his imitations.
They are planning to get me inside a casino with all of them , hah, I've been in a few before and was actually given a liquour menu haha. I can't wait to have our road trips again<3 Plus, Kacy and Owen were there, so it was a good little reunion thing.

I love how it's spring break. I didn't realize that there were so many plans, but mostly I'm just going to try to wing it. Tonight I'm going to stay up pretty late just like I used to. Listening to either 97.3 on the radio or my ipod at 2 to 4 in the morning is amazingly sweet.
Night lights, soft music, and memories. That's when you know you still have the time to appreciate things.

I'm good, I'm gone...

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