Saturday, March 7, 2009

Like a Star

Oh man that song is stuck in my head - especially the remix featuring Pretty Slick :)

Well anyways, there's nothing exciting today, except that I have been feeling a little better than the last two days. I woke up in broad daylight, and the nice weather made me want to just chill at the park like we used to, or ride my bicycle all around Benicia.
At one point I was nostalgic. For some reason, I had nice flashbacks from when the whole drumline and colorguard were on the bus on the way to a competition (which I unfortunately don't remember).
I've got sunshine / on a cloudy day / When it's cold outside / I've got the month of May... We were all singing that on the bus. And as much as I treasure these flashbacks, I hate it when I'm feeling sick and I'm stuck at home. Because then I would have countless daydreams.
I really wish I get better soon.

P.S. Thank you for making my day ;) I love my peeps. Haha

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