Friday, March 6, 2009

Still Sick

I recently discovered Goldfrapp (especially their song, Black Cherry), and I'm glad that I have a new music favorite. Their songs are nice for settling down and relaxing.

Well today I forced myself to go to school. I do not want to miss anymore school, and I need to make sure I'm updated with all my work. Atleast for the most part.
1st period went pretty fast today, mostly because Ms. Hill spent a lot of time preaching about love and marriage.
Nothing exciting for the other classes, except that James, Brendon, and Jarrette were asking me some of their research questions like: "Why do girls always go to the bathroom in groups?" or "Why can girls wear guys' clothes and be socially accepted, while guys aren't?" Haha, their questions sounded a little stupid, but it was nice to know that they were curious enough to ask these. Then Jaime started going up to my seat haha, thank goodness for Mr. Manansala. "Hoy Jaime, don't bother her. She doesn't go for a scalawag like you." HAHA.

Got home, and I feel really sick. I think I got worse, but whatever... I just hope I get better real soon.
Plus I was supposed to go to a party today, but I couldn't because I felt too sick. Oh dang, this weekend can't be too bad. Can it?

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