Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I just want to throw this in: Thank you to the readers.

today wasnt any different than the previous ones. i struggled to get to school on time since i already missed school the following day, but i eventually failed to do so because of my movement that seemed like 3 inches per minute.

ms. hill's class only had about 15 students since there was a ski trip today. i should have gone since wednesdays are too boring, but i'll let that pass.. i already went to lake tahoe just a couple of weeks ago. i dont feel the need to rattle on about my other classes, they really start to irritate me more and more. well.. thanks to mathis for being such a goof (and for the "graphite" haha)

i need excitement, i need to have something to look forward to in school.
i still feel a little sick, so please drop the shitload and swallow your fucking pride.

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