Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And that is all I can ever need.

an incomplete blog of my four day weekend. photos taken from my phone.

i was hella dizzy. hahaha

one of my all time favorite radio station<33

i dont really feel like getting into detail, but my weekend was pretty interesting.
i felt hella sick on monday tho. i woke up wanting to throw up all day.

well today i felt like i had been struck by something, like a pound to the head. for some reason i felt like there's a lot of nonsense going on and there's really no need for that. if something happens to you, LEARN and move the fuck on. there is no need to hate on anybody because you never know who will really be there when you fall. and oddly enough, they may be the ones you would have never expected. i mean, how many of your friends will be able to stick by you for a lifetime? if it happens, great. if it doesnt, it's expected.
so basically i've been thinking about the drama and bullshit going on. it's life, but damn, straighten your priorities and get rid of all that shit load you have.
i'll take this as an advice even for myself. i need to set my priorities straight and just live, laugh, and learn. i know it wont be easy because of all the inevitable immaturity, but atleast i have a new mind set. and that is all i can ever need.

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