Friday, December 18, 2009

And why the hell would I waste my time on you?

Talking shit is not my hype, never been and never will. I got other things to focus on in life than some little shit that got bigger out of nowhere. And for all those who can't sit their asses down, Cris and I never went out. Losing the ring made me feel terrible, but that didn't mean I wanted to "go back out" with him. Cris and I are good friends now. He has a girlfriend, GOOD for both of them. Issues will always come up in relationships but that's for them and ONLY them to deal with. I do not intend to get in the middle and intentionally "steal" him away. I can tell that the girl really likes him and you know what, I actually am glad he's with someone who can give him the attention he deserves. I was a heartbreaker.. sighhh.. but he forgave and forget. So bottom line, ask ME before you people open your mouth. Once you guys get to our age you will understand why we think this is ridiculous. Grow up or atleast be reasonable enough to ask. There's always two sides in every story.

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