Monday, August 17, 2009

"I wouldn't change one second of our life together"

The Time Traveler's Wife. A novel published in 2003. "Classified as both science fiction and romance, examines issues of love, loss, and free will. In particular, it uses time travel to explore miscommunication and distance in relationships, and investigates deeper existential questions."

As all good readers know, books are far more rich than the movies made after them. Although this is also true with the newly released film, the movie definitely remains heartfelt. I recommend the movie to those who enjoy both classy yet modern type of romantic novels. Or plainly, for those who can appreciate a tear-jerker movie similar to The Notebook and A Walk to Remember, which of course most of you recognize from the main character of The Notebook herself, Rachel McAdams.

I watched this with good company, got teary-eyed as the story unfold towards the ending, suddenly laughed at how much Maxinne and I were trying to hold the tears, then went to Josh's house to watch UFC and the boys wrestle each other on the carpet, and finally, got home at almost 2 in the morning. Hands down, it was a good night.


But one other cutesy remains unwatched for me. 500 Days of Summer

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