Monday, June 8, 2009

We will have no regrets

I've always been diversed with the music genres, but I have come to like Indie and Techno more and more. To me there is something about them that never fades.

SATURDAY - Pista '09. Semi-crackin, got to see a lot of people. There were two boys who came up to us and wanted to talk. They were asking for our numbers, and I thought, "Damn these guys have some tough guts for their age." And by that I mean that they literally looked like middle schoolers. Didn't get to acknowlede them though (not to be mean), but I was on the phone. Left the place and went to a party. Saw that cutie patootie :) Danced and got hella tired. Home at around 11 to crash.

SUNDAY - Sarah's house for a video project. I seriously think we're getting a B, or maybe even a C, on this one because we did not have one single scene where we didn't mess up. The whole day pretty much went to laughing, eating, laughing, and more eating. Went out to eat at Applebees with only Vy, Lena, and Sarah because Rachel had to go. When I ordered Strawberry Daquiri, the waiter asked if I wanted alcohol. And I looked at the girls because I thought he was kidding. Well, he wasn't. And since then the girls kept teasing me to leave my number as his tip. Hah, nah it's cooooo. Got home at around 10. Actually studied for the honors English finals, which was by the way nearly 20 damn pages long. I was so confident with my answers, until I freakin ran out of time.

Tough bananas.

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