Monday, July 20, 2009

I found my dream vans

Hey Rome/Romeo&Juliet, this is your shout out :) haha.
So on point: I honestly want to have my very own beach house. I can't make any promises, but I am definitely going to attempt getting one.

My birthday has passed and it was pretty damn sweet. Summer is an inspirational season to me. Which is why I cannot contain myself for the remaining days and the plans ahead. When am I going to see you again alshelyyyynn!? Your birthday is tomorrow :)

ANNDD in courtesy of my dearest Celeno Gonzales (his nickname from me), my knees are getting weak just by looking at these. WOMP. I need to seriously start saving for the upcoming rad concerts and these babies right here.
I know I'm usually seen wearing heels, but my laid back and retro side calls for some funky bright yellow and teal closed shoes. I need to start searching, and hopefully I get some luck. I am also going to blog about the fashion shoes and outfits some other time. Womp wompppp and a big sigh.

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