Saturday, September 12, 2009

Drifting away like a feather in air

Let's retrace.

Saturday was our annual boating trip at Lake Beryessa, but this time, Cess came along with the family. I love water sports; jet skiing always gets me energized. I'm that type who loves new adventures and always up for the adrenaline rush.

I don't remember the rest but I've been pretty busy for the past two weeks.
School is getting hectic. But supposedly I'm out of Carey's for 1st period, and I'm always going to be thinking about that since I've been with those people for quite some time. Sighhhh I don't know, I'm indecisive.
For now, everything should come to a slow stop since my classes are somewhat easier. The highest challenge would only be Ms. Hill's AP English (with a slight exception of Physics since I'm always tired by the time 6th period starts)

I need to get good grades this year. I need more motivation before I start losing it again

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