Saturday, September 19, 2009

And so it was a success after all.

11:37 PM, less than half an hour until I go to Paramount's Great America, Santa Clara. Yes, yes, and YES. I wasn't even expecting much out of this weekend, but I've got to say that so far, it's a success. Cotillion practice was on target today, and I stayed at Christine's house 'til just an hour ago. Dancing, dancing, singing, eating, running errands at Walmart late in the night, and more singing 'til we lost just about all our energy. Plus I got to see a couple of my friends from SF again since last week :)

I should be sleeping right now. I don't even have my clothes laid out for tomorrow's out of town trip, and I have to wake up at around 5 in the morning. If you're going, let me knowww :) You have my number.

Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon. K, goodnight

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