Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh Lamborghini

I'll write about the past weekend on the next blogpost because there's just way too many things to talk about and a lot of pictures to upload. But hey, that night was intense if you ask me.

AND MY MY MYYY, I couldn't take my eyes off these babies.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Class of 2011 is making a comeback

Let's do this.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

There's one in all of us

The highly anticipated thriller, Paranormal Activity, has engrossed up to $500, 000 during the first release in selected cities. By the use of electronic demands, the movie is now hitting cinemas nationwide. Salute to October 16, 2009


And of course, WTWTA <3

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The follow-up blog

Well I don't really want to go into too much detail regarding the previous blog. But it started off with the cotillion practice at Christine's house. It was the usual get-together since our friends from SF came down to visit (which happens almost every Saturday). So with that said, Saturdays are pretty much practice/reunion/family party.

It was all just regular.. until a few of our friends came ('09 graduates from Bethel). So we all get in the car to meet up with a couple more friends, not to mention seeing Jamald again after a million years. We didn't get to arrive at the college party in San Francisco State University until almost midnight because 1) We got lost. And 2) There was no mothereffing parking space around the dorms, so we had to drive further away towards the private neighborhood. When Jesson came running towards the car, we knew that the night was going to be memorable. (He took off his shirt while we walked towards the dorm buildings. Talk about a starter.) So we enter dorm number 4--a whole mob of party crashers--and we were greeted by Nate and.. whatshisname. Everybody took a shot right by the door because I guess it was just their little fad to have a newcomer take a shot of liquour right when they enter the door.

Just a half hour after arriving, Sean was already drunk. He was the clown of the group for a long while.. until Jamald became just as drunk as he was, maybe even more. For the rest of the night (or should I say morning), we heard nothing but Jamald saying, "Shut the fuck up, Sean before I bitchslap you with my blazers!"

Let's skip towards the fun part. Or so it seemed, because I couldn't really remember much besides the non-stop laughing. By three in the morning, everyone was gone. After playing Jangga (if i spelled that correctly), we decided to take a tour around the campus. By the way, for those who are unfamiliar with the game, it's basically Shot or Dare--which they made stupid by writing dares such as: "I dare you to make out with a brick." Anyways, the elevator lights were off, which gives you the hint that we acted like hooligans going up to the twelfth floor, and down to the lobby. Jesson gave us a tour, and we all bundled up like freezing hobos out in the streets. --It was too much to explain in detail, but it was definitely the highlight of the entire night--

We went back to the building and soon crashed in the room, each of us taking corners WITHOUT blankets. But we didn't care as much. We woke up at around 8 in the morning, said our good-byes (and especially to my new friend, Steve, the Korean guy--born in Korea and raised in Los Angeles) and went for a roadtrip back to Vallejo. Stopped by a McDonalds on a freeway exit, and dragged ourselves inside. This was the time when everybody remembered most of the things that happened the previous night.

"Ugh I was puking in the hallway! And I remember being furious with you, Sean!"
"I was missing a shoe!"

Laughs, laughs, and laughs. MAJOR hangover. But it really was memorale nonetheless.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10/04/09 4:00 A.M.

SFSU Dorm Campus. Drunk raid

I have no idea where to begin, but I'll add a follow-up on this blog. But this picture pretty much summarizes the night.